I got what you mean. I think I also found where your issue is.
You should not add a new: onStateChange:onPlayerStateChange //--> this is the line you added
as it will override the previous onStateChange:f
You should find the function f and add your additional tasks there.
The function f in the minified version of the mcVideoSlider.js is:
function f(c){if(c.data==0){var d=document.getElementById("mcVideo"+a.Id),b=d.parentNode.parentNode.getAttribute("data-autonext");if(b=="replay")c.target.d();else b!="false"&&a.To(1,1)}}
And its translation:
You can try adding your original functions there.
Please post your solution here when you've made it working. Thanks!
function onPlayerStateChange(event)
alert( "called onPlayerStateChange" )
//this first "if statement" is the function f() from above
if (event.data == 0)
var ifrm = document.getElementById("mcVideo" + innerSlider.Id);
var autonext = ifrm.parentNode.parentNode.getAttribute("data-autonext");
if (autonext == "replay")
else if (autonext != "false")
else if(event.data == 1)
else if ( event.data == 2 )
We've updated the mcVideoPlugin.js. Now it is v2014.2.5. Please download and use the updated version(under the themes/6/ folder).
Added the following options in mcVideoPlugin.js:
You can set their values to either true or false.
We have tested it with FireFox(under Win XP), and found it is working as well as with other browsers.
Please post your testing results and questions(if any) here. Thanks.
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