Javascript Tooltip / Posts /

Benefits of a Javascript Tooltip

Modern web designing is a mixture of conventional web designing elements put together with newer elements. This combination gives a good platform for web designers to showcase their creativity. An example of this is the modern tooltip, designed using Javascript. In the earlier days of the internet, tooltips were rarely seen except for image archives. But these days, Javascript tooltips can be seen in many professional websites, making it easy for visitors to get the information they seek. You too can use these tooltips within your website to give a sophisticated feel to your visitors. They will be pleased with how easy it is to get information on your website. The main benefit of getting a javascript tooltip is that your visitors will not have to go to a new tab or page to get some particular information. All they need to do is to click or hover over some text and they will immediately get their information in the same window. This will save them some time, which is quite pleasing. Another benefit of using tooltips is that you get to save on server bandwidth, since there is no loading of new pages. So if you need to provide quick and relevant information to your visitors, do consider using Javascript tooltips.
John  13 years ago   viewed: 5479    


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