Javascript Image Slider / Posts /

Why the slider works locally, but not on the Internet

Your slider demo 2.
when I extract the files on my pc it works, but when I upload it (as is) it does not work. Anyone tells me why?
Nick  12 years ago   viewed: 30303    

6 Answers

[Admin update] Since v2013.7.23, we have updated it to be fully functional even without a valid license. The sliders with advanced features but not licensed will periodically show a purchase reminder.

The slider with advanced features(thumbnails, load on the fly, or video support) requires a valid license. 

It will NOT work properly on the production server without a valid license.

milo   12 years ago

I use the demo4. did I need a valid license to use it? it's working fine locally but not online. I don't think i'm using advanced feature...
JF   8 years ago
Gabriel, Please read instructions on page JavaScript Image Slider (under the Directions tab).
Milo   12 years ago

Hello, i using the demo 1 in localhost is fine  but  after put on server  it  not works

is it  also need a license?

Kelvin   11 years ago

I still cant use this function . it is ok when i use in local ,but not when i try to use it in my website.

  8 years ago
0 does not need license.

If it doesn't run, you should check out your code to make sure it is error free.

It is recommended to use our demo1's source code first, make sure it is working well, then customize it to your own gradually. 
  11 years ago


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