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Continue to next slide when video ends

Thanks for such a great extension. I am finding one issue and that is when my vimeo/youtube video ends in slide, it stops and slider does not goes to next slide. Is there any way that slider continue after video has finished ?
Waiting for your kind reply.
Malik Adeel  11 years ago   viewed: 15553    

10 Answers

Did you see the same issue from our demo 6? 
I don't think you will. Then you may have something configured not properly.
Milo   11 years ago
I'm having the same problem.  I've used a youtube link and it autoplays just fine but when the video is finished, it doesn't continue the slider.  This is really important as it will allow me to use the client's youtube channel for content hosting (of the videos).  Is there some event that got changed in the youtube api that isn't being picked up when the video finishes?

edit: works fine in firefox and internet explorer, but not in chrome.  also works in android stock browser, but it doesn't autoplay the videos.
  11 years ago
You should not have this issue if you are using the latest version of our JavaScript Image Slider and mcVideoPlugin.js.
Milo   11 years ago
Hey Milo.  I checked and I am running the latest.  Here's the breakdown: ie works fine, ff works fine, vimeo in chrome works fine, youtube in chrome fails to continue playing the slider after the video finishes.  

on my android: vimeo autoplays fine in dolphin mini, youtube will not autoplay even with data-autovideo="true" param.  in fact i'm having difficulty getting youtube vids in the slider to auto-initiate in android stock browser, dolphin, dolphin mini, dolphin rocket jetpack, android ff browser, android chrome browser, android opera browser.  I am essentially using this as a tv commercial reel for a client's business tvs to continuously play advertisement videos and slides on the tvs.

i would very much like to just use youtube (as thats where they have the current vids) but if I can't get it to autoplay then my options may be to just have them reupload to vimeo or (worst case) forget about streaming content and keep hard copy content files on the media device itself.

thoughts?  where should i be looking?  its difficult to play around with the video plugin js as it's compacted...
  11 years ago

When I replace it your link cycled the slide.  My links problem was that the "?rel=0" at the end of

was causing the problem.

  10 years ago

what to do for such issue 

brindha   6 years ago

I am having the same problem where the video ends and the next slide does not start.  The video is at slide 4.  Here is the link:

Any help in fixing this would be great.

Best Regards,


  10 years ago
Hi Antonio,
Can you replace the YouTube link with the one used in demo 6 (, and see if it has the same problem?

Milo   10 years ago

For me the issue  when the youtube video ends  stops and slider does not goes to next slide continues. I tried the all things reported here but I don't had sucess. Do you have any other way to try to solve it?

Thanks in advanced for your reply

  7 years ago

Make sure you are using the latest version of the Ninja Slider (v2016.12.29).

Also please stage a testing page online.

milo   7 years ago


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