When I replace it your link cycled the slide. My links problem was that the "?rel=0" at the end of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RzIIjenGdQ4?rel=0
was causing the problem.
what to do for such issue
I am having the same problem where the video ends and the next slide does not start. The video is at slide 4. Here is the link:
Any help in fixing this would be great.
Best Regards,
For me the issue when the youtube video ends stops and slider does not goes to next slide continues. I tried the all things reported here but I don't had sucess. Do you have any other way to try to solve it?
Thanks in advanced for your reply
Make sure you are using the latest version of the Ninja Slider (v2016.12.29).
Also please stage a testing page online.
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