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Can I test the menu using a domain name that is mapped to in hosts file?

I want to test the CSS menu in IE with a simulated domain name by mapping the domain to in hosts file, but found the menu stop working in this scenario.  Can anybody tells me why?
Timothy  12 years ago   viewed: 16061    

1 Answer


Note: This post is outdated for current menucool css menu as the HTC file is not used anymore.

If you are using a domain that is mapped to through the hosts file and it is not the default localhost, the HTC file will be blocked by IE for security reasons.  So you cannot do it in that way.

You'd better test it online, or at least from your localhost server as some users also claim using the local file system does not work.

Also, don't forget to declare the DOCTYPE before your <html> tag at the top of your page, for example:
<!DOCTYPE html>

If you miss the DOCTYPE declaration, the menu will not work in IE.

Milo   12 years ago


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