Javascript Image Slider / Posts /

menu lays behind the image slider

Are you aware of JavaScript issues, the menu doesn't seem to work well with other JavaScript menus. I have a drop-down menu that uses JavaScript, it isn't accessible when it lays over the menu slider.

if you hover over a menu item and try to select any link that hangs over the menu slider, the JavaScript drop-down will disappear.
How do I fix that?
Angela  12 years ago   viewed: 23102    

5 Answers

Give your menu a higher z-index value, say:
.myMenu {z-index:1000;}

Note: if your menu container has a lower z-index than the z-index of your image or the container of your image, above won't work. You have to increase the z-index of the menu container, or decrease the z-index of your image(or the container of the image).

milo   12 years ago

Thank u very much issue is resolved when i add this z-index:1000; CSS. 

Rohith   9 years ago
I have tried this edit but still no success in keeping CSS Menu over top of Java Slider. Both of which are from Any additional suggestions would be appreciated.
Jamie   11 years ago
I am having the same problem, Angela. The Image is on top of my drop down menu. The only difference my menu is pure css.
Have you found a solution for your problem?
Thank you.
Luiz   11 years ago
I decrease the z-index of my image's containing element and it works. It is surely the z-index issue.
Milan   11 years ago


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