Javascript Image Slider / Posts /

Maintaining a background color in slider for transparent images?

I am using a slider on my site based on demo 7. My images are all .svgz files (despite all caveats), and I would like them to have a different background color than the rest of the site. Rather than going through every file in Illustrator, making a new (background) layer, and creating a rectangle with the appropriate fill color (in this case, #fff), I was wondering if there was a way to modify the script to the slider to add this background color automatically. (This would be especially helpful as I will gradually be adding new images to the site, so it will save me some time in the future as well.) I had no luck in CSS, even when working with the containing #sliderFrame.

I'm assuming that the script replaces the background attribute in #slider with whatever images are populating the slider at the time. Is there a way to make it so that, instead of writing the background as "background:url(/images/file.svgz) [...]", it is written as "background:#fff url(/images/file.svgz) [...]"? If this is what indeed is happening?

Thank you!
Mitchell  12 years ago   viewed: 8641    

2 Answers

It might not be possible as the slider will create new DIV elements with the images as the DIV's backgrounds.
The slider is actually scrolling those DIVs.
milo   12 years ago
Thank you for the quick response!

So it is not possible, then, for me to make it so that these DIV elements display as a background the images over a solid background color? (Similar to the default "loading.png" background in js-image-slider.css for Demo 7: "background:#fff url(/images/loading.png) no-repeat 50% 50%;")

If not, it's only a minor inconvenience. Thanks again for the reply.
Mitchell   12 years ago


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