Javascript Tooltip / Posts /

Not working in IE

The tooltips aren't popping up but only in IE (7-9) no clue why this is but I have the most recent version of IE pulling from the google server and both the tooltip files (css and js). Any clue what it could be?
Kiefer  12 years ago   viewed: 7165    

18 Answers

It should work in IE as we have tested it. Please check your code.
milo   12 years ago
The only thing required is the css and js file correct? 
Kiefer   12 years ago
HTML, CSS, js file and link paths should all be correct.
You can start from our demo and customize it to yours gradually.
milo   12 years ago
I did do that and it flaws only in IE. It gives me an activeX block. Is there any way around that or is it the computer it's set up on?
Kiefer   12 years ago
It is the configuration of the browser set by the user. It is set to block the running of javascript and we have no control over that.
milo   12 years ago
the popup emerge outside of the screen in IE? in chrome it works well
Ottens   11 years ago
how can I solve this with IE?
Ottens   11 years ago
Would you stage a testing page online?
Milo   11 years ago
0 look in IE
ottens   11 years ago
I use IE 8 for testing and google chrome
Ottens   11 years ago
Would you stage a testing page online so that I can take a look?
I cannot login to
Milo   11 years ago
I do not know how? kun je niet met chrome tools kijken?
'm not so experienced yet :-(
Ottens   11 years ago
Oh sorry I saw the issue in IE8. I will take a look and will post you the update.
Milo   11 years ago
I played with your page and found contains errors (If you view the file from Chrome console under the Resources panel, you can see it contains many errors).

IE8 seems cannot pass those errors. 

Another possible reason is some of the CSS settings in your megasetdesign2013.css is not unobtrusive. For example, its first line:  * {  margin: 0px;  padding: 0px;  } is obviously not good.

Anyway,all javascript tooltip demos on site are working well in IE 7, IE 8, IE 9 and IE 10. If the tooltip doesn't work on your website, most likely your code(HTML, JavaScript, CSS) contains either errors or conflicts.
Milo   11 years ago
okay thanks fore the info, I will try to modify my css 
Ottens   11 years ago
this is the problem

<div id="formlinks">
<table width="220" border="0" align="left">
<form method="post" name="mail_Form" onsubmit="return mail_Form_Validator(this)" language="JavaScript" action="presentatie.php">
<td align="left"><input size="18" maxlength="30" name="naam" type="text" id="tekstblok01"></td>
<td align="left"><input name="mail" size="18" maxlength="50" type="text" id="tekstblok01"></td>
<td colspan="2" align="right">
<input name="submit" value="Onze visie" type="submit">
Ottens   11 years ago

it is the submit button I think?

Also on this site is he doing weird, if you post a message?

Ottens   11 years ago
I have found the problem!?
<form method="post" name="mail_Form" onsubmit="return mail_Form_Validator(this)" language="JavaScript" action="presentatie.php">

but now a solution to this? :-)
Ottens   11 years ago


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