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IE 9 Menu starting open and bouncing


Please take a look at in an IE9 browser.  I can't describe the problem - you need to see it to understand.

The menu works great in Chrome, Firefox, Opera and on an iPhone.  It's just IE9 I'm having problems with.

Buddy Ray  12 years ago   viewed: 11401    

7 Answers

Would you try downloading and using the latest version of the accordion menu?
I found the script you are using now is out of date.
milo   12 years ago
OK, I downloaded the lastest javascript and CSS.  In IE9 The menu still starts with each subheading open and still bounces when clicked.  PLUS there is now an extra line and space at the bottom of each section.  It works fine in other browsers.

AND now it doesn't recognize my license.  I notice the new variable is simply license: where it used to be MenuLicense: but I've tried it both ways and it keeps putting up a reminder.

The ONLY changes I've made to the code are in the CSS:
I moved the images to another folder and used an explicit URL to point to them.
I narrowed the CSS for the #acdnmenu div.heading to a padding-left:10px;

I also combined the JS into a larger Globalfunctions.js file and the CSS into a global.css file.

I suppose its possible that we have either a function name conflict or an id or var name conflict.
Whatever is wrong it looks like its in IE specific code.
Just a suggestions for the future - It would be nice if you wrote your code where every function/var/id starts with something that makes it unique to your products such as "menucool_" to prevent random conflicts with others code.

Buddy Ray
  12 years ago
I too am experiencing the exact same problem in IE9. Works great in Firefox, but in IE9, all submenu items are expanded out and it bounces uncontrollably when you click on a menu item.
MIKE   11 years ago
Maybe you have given a margin to your menu items by your menu CSS. One of our clients removed the margin and everything becomes good then.
The first post of Buddy Ray, if you check out his site, you can also see it is working well now in IE 9.

I won't discuss it if you got something bad with IE 9 in its compatibility view. MicroSoft cannot make its IE work well and push everything back to our developers by simply placing a small break icon in its browser address bar, and that creates more bugs and incompatibilities. That is really killing our developers.
  11 years ago
There isn't a IE9 compatibility issue. It does appear as though this is an issue with the rest of the code I have on the page, however. I tried using just a blank html file with the default code you supplied, and it works in IE9. Therefore, I guess I need to figure out what the conflict is between the code on my specific page and the code you supplied. Thanks for the help.
mike   11 years ago
Issue resolved - I should have read through your troubleshooting tips more carefully. I applied "<!DOCTYPE html>" before the <html> tag and it works now.
mike   11 years ago
Thanks Mike! That really helped me out! I was stuck with this problem for weeks, being told it was a css issue, but it isnt.

I changed from this:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">

To this:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">

And it worked. It also sorted out all the other formatting issues I had with older IE browsers, so this one code change was a silver bullet solution for me.
  11 years ago


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