Javascript Tooltip / Posts /

callout triangle placement

Hi, is it possible to move the little triangle on the border to the left or right?
So it will look more like a cartoon comment? 
Like this one:

denny  12 years ago   viewed: 11489    

3 Answers

No it is not possible. It's regretful.
milo   12 years ago
From the maker:
In the tooltip.css, you will find:
div#mcttCo {position:absolute;text-align:left;}
Would you try updating it as:
div#mcttCo {position:absolute;text-align:left; margin-left:40px;}

works, but without activation it jumps back everytime. 

denny   12 years ago
actually it worked, but the arrow jumps everytime the mouse is shifted.
I just let the arrow away.
Regretful indeed.
denny   12 years ago


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