Javascript Tooltip / Posts /

tooltip disables onmouseout

I have the following code:

var item = "<img class='thumb' ...
         + " onmouseout=mouseMovedFromItem(" + eventId + ")" 
         + " onmouseover=createTooltip(this," + eventId + ")" 
        + " onClick=fly(" + eventId + ")" 
        + ">";

Problem is, after I added createTooltip, onmouseout stopped working. How can this be fixed?
Eva  12 years ago   viewed: 4381    

2 Answers

The tooltip will override the onmouseout event of the item. You should avoid binding onmouseout event to the element that has the onmouseover=", '...')" event.

You can try this:
var item = "<span onmouseout=mouseMovedFromItem(" + eventId + ")><img class='thumb' ...
         + " onmouseover=createTooltip(this," + eventId + ")" 
        + " onClick=fly(" + eventId + ")" 
        + " /></span>";
milo   12 years ago

Hello, the issue you're facing is likely due to the way event handling is set up in your HTML string. When you add the onmouseover event for the tooltip, it may interfere with the onmouseout event if the tooltip is being created in a way that keeps the mouse over the image. I think you can delay the execution of mouseMovedFromItem using setTimeout, which can help ensure that the mouse has truly left the area:

geometry dash lite


var item = "<img class='thumb' ... " 

         + " onmouseout='setTimeout(mouseMovedFromItem(" + eventId + "), 100)' " 

         + " onmouseover='createTooltip(this, " + eventId + ")' " 

         + " onClick='fly(" + eventId + ")' " 

         + ">";

  5 months ago


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