Javascript Tooltip / Posts /

License for two domain names

I have a license for, but it should also be available for domain How do I proceed?
Rafael  12 years ago   viewed: 44462    

4 Answers

If will be redirected to, you can use the license for 

Otherwise you need to purchase two licenses for both domains and set the two licenses to the script as suggested in the thread below.
milo   12 years ago
In my case, its the same app running on IIS, but the the two domains points to the same app. If i buy a license for the second domain, it will work?!
Rafael   12 years ago

There is a solution to tackle the multiple license requirement. Open the tooltip.js with Notepad, and after the definition of:

var tooltipOptions = {     .....     license: "licForDomain1" };

add the following script block immediately after above block:

if (document.domain.indexOf("") != -1)     tooltipOptions.license = "licForDomain2";

If you have more domains, you can continue adding them:

else if (document.domain.indexOf("") != -1)     tooltipOptions.license = "licForDomain3";

Note the "", "" must be in lower case.

Please try it out and let me know if it works or not.

milo   12 years ago

late to this but thanks for the help. 

  4 months ago


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