Javascript Tooltip / Posts /

tooltip box size


How can I change the tooltip box size to hold all the text I want to put in tooltips box? Now, the text is truncated dues to the limited size of the box.


Many thanks!

Jenny  11 years ago   viewed: 6048    

3 Answers

You can change the tooltip box size by updating the tooltipOptions in the tooltip.js:

var tooltipOptions=
maxWidth: 400,

But I am wondering how the content got truncated. Usually if the content width is larger than the maxWidth and unable to wrap its content to fit the maxWidth, the tooltip will expand to the content width ignoring the maxWidth specification.

If convenient, would you post your test page URL to let me have a look how it can happen? Thanks.
Milo   11 years ago

Thanks Milo!

So if I want to let the content be wrapped, is there any setting for that?


Thanks again!

Jenny   11 years ago
By default the HTML text content is wrapped if there is no enough space to the right, unless you set it explicitly to not wrap: 
by CSS: whites-pace: pre;
or by HTML: <pre> ... </pre>
or by giving the containing block a fixed width that the text has enough space to go without the need of wrapping.
Milo   11 years ago


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