Javascript Tooltip / Posts /

issue stopped working

hi i tried this on abyss web server and go daddy

abyss worked for a while then stoped working

and go daddy would not work

why is that ? is it a liscencing issue or what?

weird was only using it for school project but i guess it won't be possible now…

the code is not a problem although i did change the span to suite my need but it still worked after the change was done it just stopped working on the fifth one in ...
Tom  11 years ago   viewed: 3663    

1 Answer

Tooltip widget will be fully functional even if you have not set a valid license to it (it will periodically alerts a purchase reminder then).
I believe you need to check out your code to make sure your code(especially the HTML code) doesn't contain syntax errors and make sure your link path to the tooltip.js and tooltip.css file is correct.
milo   11 years ago


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