Javascript Tooltip / Posts /

Step by step instructions

I want to use Javascript Tooltip on an image map.
But actually I don't know how.
Are there any step by step instructions?

Raffet Ali  11 years ago   viewed: 3879    

5 Answers


The following post might help:

Using the javascript tooltip on an area element in an image map

milo   11 years ago
Hello Milo,
Thanks for your reply.

I read the post you mentioned, and thank you, it worked well with FF, Safari and Chrome. However, I do have two things to ask you:

1- Unfortunately, it didn't work with IE, I have IE 9. Why?
2- I would like the tooltip texts to be read from external file. Is that possible?

Raffet Ali   11 years ago
1. Would you stage a testing page online so that I can see what you are missing for IE9.
2. You can use the tooltip's built-in Ajax function and it is fairly easy to use if you read our online instructions.
milo   11 years ago
Hello Milo,
Thanks for your reply.

1- I have uploaded the files, and when it's online it worked well on IE. This is the testing url:

2- I'm very sorry, but I can't find where the online instructions about the tooltip's built-in Ajax function are.
Raffet Ali   11 years ago
I can see your testing page is working good in IE9.

For retrieving external content through Ajax, you should read the instructions on page, How to Use -> 3 Ways to Set Tooltip Content, and the third way is what you need.
  11 years ago


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