Okay. I've stripped down my code to the absolute bare minimum to see if I can get this to work and am using a standard SUBMIT button now inside the containing <div style='display:none'> to see if I can get the form to submit. Here is my new test code:
I note how they are using a <div class='hide'> as their enclosing div and NOT using a <div style='display:none'>. Although I checked their "/img/site/Site.css" style sheet and see it has a "display:none" setting.
echo "<div style='display:none;'>";
echo "<div id='sms1'>";
echo "Type your message here";
echo "<input type='text' name='phone1_msg' id='phone1_msg' tabindex='1010' maxlength='200' value='".$G['phone1_msg']."'>";
echo "<input name='save' type='submit' value='Save'>";
echo "</div>";
echo "</div>";
And here is my click link that shows the tooltip:
echo " <a href='#' onclick=\"tooltip.pop(this, '#sms1', {overlay:false, position:1,maxWidth:250}); return false;\" >Click me here!</a>";
Nothing fancy here. All I want to be able to do now, is get a submit event from that button. But clicking the "save" button does not issue a submit for the form for whatever reason??? If I get rid of the "display:none" I can verify that the submit button is working normally, but I have no idea why I cannot get a submit to occur within the hidden DIV. This is completely baffling to me.
The DIV is currently inside a <table> as a row in my data form, so I even tried moving this completely out of the table to just underneath the <form method=post'...> line. The "Submit" button still won't submit the stupid form when it is inside the hidden DIV? Why is that I wonder.
I also noticed that when I looked at the source code for the example page where they have a functioning submit for the example, they are not coding their DIV the way they specify in the instructions:
<div class="hide"> <div id="demo2_tip"> <img src="src/tooltips.gif" style="float:right;margin-left:12px;" alt="tooltips" /> <b>SEO</b><br /><br /> The tooltip content comes from an element on the page. So this approach is <strong>Search Engine Friendly</strong>. </div> <div id="demo3_tip"> Name: <input name="ctl00$MainContent$demos1$TextBox1" type="text" id="MainContent_demos1_TextBox1" style="width:120px;" /><br /><br /> <input type="submit" name="ctl00$MainContent$demos1$Button1" value="Login" id="MainContent_demos1_Button1" class="btn1" /> <input type="button" onclick = "tooltip.hide()" class="btn1" value="Cancel" /> </div> </div>
I am stuck. If I can't get this to work, then I am hosed and may need to ask for a refund on this tooltip.