You might trying to do something when a link inside the tooltip popup is clicked.
Tooltip has disabled the click's bubble up so that the tooltip can work properly in mobile and touch-enabled devices.
If you need this bubble up, you can search for b[ib]=L; in the tooltip.js and comment it out: /*b[ib]=L;*/
Notice the b[ib]=L; can only be found in the current version v2014.2.20 of the tooltip.js.
I do not open the tooltip on a generated element. Instead i remember the element for later:
<b onmouseover="tooltip.ajax(this,'test.html', {sticky:true}); myElement = this;">Click Me</b> <-- not generated
Then the next tooltip has to open on the previously hovered element like this:
<b onclick="tooltip.ajax(myElement,'test.html', {sticky:true, position: 4})">Click Me</b> <-- Generated html shown in tooltip
In my script i have: var myElement; in the global scope.
This means myElement SHOULD HAVE a position. Because it was not generated. But the whole tooltip stops working at this point. Even with position: 4, it does not show any tooltip on the screen.
Why cant i store an element for parameter of the tooltip for later on?
I found the root cause. If the tooltip.ajax() is to be triggered by the same element while the tooltip is still open, the ajax call will be cancelled to avoid unnecessary calls to the server.
For your case, the workaround is:
Note: the nested tooltip must be triggered by onclick. Launching nested tooltip from the opened tooltip window by onmouseover won't work.
Now the two Ajax tooltip calls are targetting different elements, and it won't be cancelled anymore.
I have updated the demo2 code example in my previous post to include the workaround.
If you need the updated demo2 source code, just send an email to info @ menucool . com
$(document).on only doesnt work on the tooltip, every other element in the webpage executed correctly.
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