Javascript Tooltip / Posts /

Can we use this tooltip when we have x and y cordinate of the element

Hello ,
Thanks for tooltip.
I am using ajax tooltip . My problem is that using jquery I found the x and f coordinates  of the elemnet and want to show the tooltip based on these coordinates .
Is it possible .
My code is

function showMapTrialToolip(x,y){
              tooltip.ajax(this, "<?php echo $this->url(array('controller'=>'trial', 'action'=>'show-trial-popup'), 'default', true);?>/trial_id/"+id,null, {position:4});
I want that tooltip will apper at position x and y

Piyush Goyal  11 years ago   viewed: 3571    

1 Answer

If you want to position the tooltip not relative to the triggering element, you should set position to be 4, 5, or 6:
4: center
5: top left
6: bottom right

If choosing 4, the x, y will be the offset to the center;
If choosing 5, the x, y will be the offset to the top left of the screen;
If choosing 6, the x, y will be the offset to the bottom right of the screen.
Milo   11 years ago


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