Javascript Tooltip / Posts /

Attach behaviors

Hi, I've integrate your script in drupal website,  but I'm facing issue how to attach javascript  behaviours on the news ajax loaded content?
thanks in advance
kwemart  11 years ago   viewed: 3909    

7 Answers

In the demo2.html that you can download from page, you will see the ajax setting has assign myCallback handler to the ajax setting. You can add your function call to the myCallback handler.
Milo   11 years ago
I'll try and bring back to you.
Please I also want to know how to get a licence for cheap price :)
  11 years ago
I don't quite understand what your question is as I'm not good at Drupal.
Milo   11 years ago
Drupal is a CMS I've used the javascript tooltip to popop users informations using ajax on the following  website 
The problem is that when data are loaded, the success function can just return content. 
is there a way to apply others callbacks to success function after returning the content?
for example I've a script that handle a click event to all button with class="foo". how ton handle again this click event after the success function??
thank you Milo
kwemart   11 years ago
The script works like a charm as you said,
So now I want to aquire a licence but don't get paypal account how to do?

  11 years ago
The paypal allows paying by credit card even if you don't have an account there.
Milo   11 years ago
Hi, I'm tryng to pay but it's asking me to pay with paypal or creat account I don't know if the problem is my location?
I live in Cameroon, it's very urgent to have that.
  11 years ago


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