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Do I really need to prepare two sets of images for the image slider?

Under IMG folder of the demo there are sub folders called LG and MD. Do I need to keep that same folder structure when I upload to my site. I noticed in you JS file  under the multipleImages code it references both those folders.
If I have to I will, but I was just going to put all in one folder called SLIDERS on my site.
That said do I need to create a medium and a large image for each one that I use?
Len  10 years ago   viewed: 13113    

2 Answers


There are two scenarios that you can prepare two sets of images with different pixels or resolutions to be used by the Ninja Slider:

  1. If your image sizes are very large so you want the slider to use smaller images in smartphones for a faster loading, you can configure the image slider to use different pixels according the device sizes. For details please refer to the FAQ#5 in Responsive Image Slider.
  2. If you want the image slider to use smaller images in the normal displays, and to use larger images when the fullscreen button is clicked and the slider is displayed in fullscreen mode. For details please read use high resolution images when swtitching image slider to fullscreen mode
Milo   10 years ago
beautiful moments in ipls
  2 years ago


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