Javascript Tooltip / Posts /

Position 4 center not in center


When i include the tooltip in an existing website and just use a simple snippet like this: 

tooltip.pop('body', "test", {position: 4});

The tooltip does not want to start out in the center of the page. It has to work correctly on every website i include the tooltip. Does anyone have a fix for this? On a clean website with just html and body tags it does center correctly. How do i know what code causes the tooltip to not align with the center of the page?
Ralph  10 years ago   viewed: 3570    

2 Answers

Maybe you should use: 
tooltip.pop(document.body, "test", {position:4}); 
Nick   10 years ago
Thanks, but that did not solve the problem. At first i thought it must be a CSS problem. But there is nothing pushing it out of position. The top and left of the wrapper are just calculated wrong. 
  10 years ago


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