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Dropdown menu hides behind iframe in Internet Explorer


We have some instructional videos hosted on Google Drive. The dropdown menu hides behind the iframe used to embed the videos in the webpage. This is only a problem in IE, the menus work fine in Chrome and Firefox. My research shows that this is wmode problem. I added the wmode="transparent" parameter to my embed code, but the menu still hides behind the iframe.

This is a link to an example of the problem:


This is the iframe code:

<div style="padding-top:8px;"><iframe frameborder="0" height="523px" scrolling="no" src="https://googledrive.com/host/0B4T4_Ur7JeLmYVVOV1FtSjVPblE?wmode=transparent" width="980px" wmode="transparent"></iframe></div>

I set the root element index at #ddmenu  { z-index:9999999;}

Any suggestions?


Allan  9 years ago   viewed: 7080    

1 Answer


ddmenu does not support the IE6's iframe issue

If you insist on the menu should be working with IE 6, you can try this out:


Milo   9 years ago


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