ddmenu does not support the IE6's iframe issue
If you insist on the menu should be working with IE 6, you can try this out:
We have some instructional videos hosted on Google Drive. The dropdown menu hides behind the iframe used to embed the videos in the webpage. This is only a problem in IE, the menus work fine in Chrome and Firefox. My research shows that this is wmode problem. I added the wmode="transparent" parameter to my embed code, but the menu still hides behind the iframe.
This is a link to an example of the problem:
This is the iframe code:
<div style="padding-top:8px;"><iframe frameborder="0" height="523px" scrolling="no" src="https://googledrive.com/host/0B4T4_Ur7JeLmYVVOV1FtSjVPblE?wmode=transparent" width="980px" wmode="transparent"></iframe></div>
I set the root element index at #ddmenu { z-index:9999999;}
Any suggestions?
ddmenu does not support the IE6's iframe issue
If you insist on the menu should be working with IE 6, you can try this out:
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