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Caption to display below the photo not inside


Right now, I can only make the caption display INSIDE the photo area with the Ninja slider. Can I make it show BELOW the photo area? Some captions are somewhat long and in the mobile version takes half the screen


Antonio Enrique  9 years ago   viewed: 9656    

10 Answers


Please refer to the "Show each slide image caption outside the slider" section in Demo 8

  7 years ago

Please refer to the "Show each slide image caption outside the slider" section in the demo 8 page:

  7 years ago

The captions can display outside the slider if you make the following changes to the stylesheet:

  • Remove: #ninja-slider li { overflow:hidden;}
  • If the transitionType is not "slide", you also need to add:
    #ninja-slider ul { overflow:auto!important;}
  • Then for your absolutely positioned captions or other HTML content, you can optionally force it to display outside the slider area:
    #ninja-slider div.caption { position:absolote; top:auto; bottom:-20%; }

Milo   9 years ago

For the demo 1, if it is not in "slide" transitionType, you can:

  • In above steps, change the 2nd step to:  ul { overflow:visible!important;}
  • Remove the max-width:700px:
    #ninja-slider div.slider-inner { max-width:700px; }
  • Add the following to #ninja-slider selector:#ninja-slider{ max-width:700px; overflow:visible!important; } /*Another option is not adding the above overflow:visible!imporntant;, but you need to change the nav button position to: #ninja-slider-prev {left: 0px;} #ninja-slider-next {right: -41px;}*/
  • Do the similar max-width changes for .full-screen if you have the .full-screen styles
  • In the ninja-slider.js script, add the following option to nsOptions:m:false,

Try it out and let me know if it doesn't work.

Milo   9 years ago

I get a vertical scrollbar when doing this.  The image displays in the same place but I have to scroll down to see the caption below.

I have set transitionType: "fade". If you hit the "previous" button, you get a horizontal scrollbar too.

Chuck   9 years ago

I just added a solution when it is not transitionType: "slide". Please check out the above post.

Milo   9 years ago

Is it possible to have captions appear outside the slides in Demo 4?

  7 years ago

Yes. See how it is implemented in Demo 8 (the last paragraph in the demo 8 page has detailed instructions).

Milo   7 years ago

Would be great if it worked, which it does not. So the next question: caption applied to the ns-image or to the thumb?

T.Ganner   7 years ago

Surely I am talking the caption in Ninja Slider.

Milo   7 years ago


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