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Remove arrows once video is playing


I have my arrows inside my div so when I click to open my video I would like the arrows to disappear and then reappear once I close out of the video. I tried through JS but not able to target the ".stopVideoIcon" div because it isn't actually in the html I guess.

Brandon  8 years ago   viewed: 14773    

2 Answers


I think you are on track, and you have found the following code in ninjaVideoPlugin.js:


Then you can add your own function into the f.onclick event:

f.className="stopVideoIcon"; f.onclick=function(a){ if (myStopVideoCallback) myStopVideoCallback(); g.unloadPlayer();a.stopPropagation()};

And add the following script to your page:

function  myStopVideoCallback() {
Milo   8 years ago

You are right and it is important to remember to add your own function into the f.onclick Drift Boss

  one year ago


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