The hash ID cannot be removed from the URL as the tab content relies on it to switch tabs. But after reading maybe we can figure out a solution. I added the following script to the demo 1 in the download package:
var detectBackOrForward = function (onBack, onForward) {
hashHistory = [window.location.hash];
historyLength = window.history.length;
return function () {
var hash = window.location.hash, length = window.history.length;
if (hashHistory.length && historyLength == length) {
if (hashHistory[hashHistory.length - 2] == hash) {
hashHistory = hashHistory.slice(0, -1);
} else {
} else {
historyLength = length;
window.addEventListener("hashchange", detectBackOrForward(
function () { tabbers[0].a[0].click(); },
function () { }
Suppose you have only one tab content widget in the page. Then tabbers[0] is it. a[0] is its first tab. So the script will simulate the first tab click when it detects it is a back button click action.
Please test it thoroughly to confirm if it works well for your case.